Friday, August 28, 2015

navel piercing cleaning procedure

You may have read up a lot on how to proper piercing aftercare. Some may say antibacterial soap is needed in your aftercare kit while some say that’s too strong and it will hinder healing. Salt soaks have proven to be miraculous when it comes to healing your navel piercing but there are so many variations to the ratio of salt to warm water. 
While this may work for some and not others, here’s how I cleaned my piercing and it has worked really well for me so far! :)
1. Every morning when I wake up for school, I spray it once with my H2Ocean Spray (4Oz) which I bought from a local tattoo supply store. Just one spray at the piercing site is enough, there is no need to soak your piecing in it!

2. When I take a shower, I lather the antibacterial wash on my palm and gently apply it to the my piercing site without excessively moving my piercing up and down or turning it. I realized the redness and swelling went down after I stopped trying to ensure the soap enters my piercing by moving it! I wash my Helix piercing with this as well :) If Dial Soap is available, you may want to try that too!

3. I do salt soaks at least once a day. I realized some slight pus coming out from my lower hole when I stopped the salt soaks, yikes. So yes salt soaks are miraculous!! The ratio of 100% SEA SALT to hot water is ¼ teaspoon to 250ml of water. I’ve stuck to this ratio ever since I’ve started salt soaks and it has worked well for me so far. No signs of infection and the redness and swelling is going down after 5 days!!
The trick is to use the salt water solution as hot as you can take it. Don’t wait till it has cooled. Make sure you use 100% Sea Salt! You can buy them from any grocery stores. 
Soak your piercings for 15 minutes.

4. After 15 minutes, rinse your piercing site with Saline Solution.

5. Spray it with H2Ocean Spray again before you go to bed. 
 And you’re done!! If you’re a paranoid person like me, you’ll want to keep cleaning your piercing to prevent an infection. But the thing is, over-cleaning or under-cleaning your piercing is not advisable. 
I found that this way of cleaning my piercing works the best for me, not too little or too much :> My piercing is healing really well now and I hope yours will too!

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